All Departments Central Office
Creativity Lab
Family Engagement
Home Language
Human Resources
LCCS II Founding Team
Lighthouse 5-8 Band (Middle School)
Lighthouse 6-12 Band (Upper School)
Lighthouse After School Program (ASP)
Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools
Lighthouse K-12 (Whole School)
Lighthouse K-4 Band (Elementary)
Lighthouse K-5 (Elementary School)
Lighthouse K-6 Classes
Lodestar 6-12 (Upper School)
Lodestar 6-8 Band (Middle School)
Lodestar K-12 (Whole School)
Lodestar K-5 (Elementary School)
Lodestar Leadership
Lodestar Making and Arts
Lodestar Math and Reading Teachers
Lodestar Math and Science Teachers
Lodestar Project-Based Learning Teachers
Lodestar Self Directed Lab